
From traditional documentation to an HTML-based app

Technical documentation printed on paper is not only expensive but also a logistical challenge – so why not make it available online only, preferably in the form of a documentation app? Find out at this two-day seminar, how you can turn your documentation into a well-conceived, informative, user-friendly app.

From paper to electronic documentation: myths, nonsense and possibilities

  • m-ISD – multimedia Information Structure Design: seven usage categories, five media aspects and new ideas about distribution form the basis of an efficient app solution
  • From traditional documentation to a collection of topics: Why topic orientation rather than document orientation? What is special about topics?
  • Structuring, writing and visualisation methodologies with a view to output as a (web) app
  • Prerequisites in the text/document editor for creating a documentation app: Process orientation and text flow orientation
  • HTML5 conversion rather than PDF creation to simulate the printed page on screen: Challenges of text flow-oriented design and responsive design
  • From working in an editor through to app creation, a prototype is created on the basis of a FrameMaker document (including a look at the analogue solution with Word and RoboHelp)
  • Points to note when working in content management systems

The benefits for you

  • You know how to create PDFs of your technical documentation and learn the most important basic concepts underlying the creation of mobile documentation (e.g. a documentation app).
  • You receive an overview of common app solution concepts for technical documentation.

Training approach

In the seminar, the trainer alternates between methodological and theoretical considerations and demonstrates rapid prototyping using a FrameMaker document as a practical example to produce an Android app.

Technical writers and anyone responsible for creating and distributing technical documentation.
The seminar lasts two days.


Please contact us for a no-obligation consultation!


Nicole Bodner
Director of Technical Documentation and itl Academy
+41 71 677 80 67

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